ISO to CCD Converter: How do I convert ISO to CCD with WinISO?

ISO to CCD Converter: Talking about the .CCD, it is a kind of image file formats of discs. If you want to get the CCD files on your PC, you can use WinISO to convert ISO to CCD. With this program, you can create the ISO file from disc, then convert the ISO file to CCD format with amazing fast speed. This ISO converter also allowed you to create CCD file and add the CCD file to it. This is a guide to let you know how to convert ISO to CCD with Win ISO converter.


Step 1:

Free Download WinISO from our official website and install it. It will just take you several seconds. Run it after installation. Click the “Convert” button and the “Convert dialogue” will pop-up.



Step 2:

Press the “Browse” on the pop-up dialogue window. And select the ISO file you want to convert.

convert ISO to MDS


Step 3:

Select the CloneCD(*.ccd *.img *.dvd) format, and choose the folder you want to save the .CCD file.

ISO to MDS Converter


Step 4:

Click "Ok" to begin converting. After a few minutes, WinISO will successfully provide you the .CCD file you needed.

Win ISO Converter

For more guides, please take closer look here.

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