WinISO : Supported Formats

Supported Formats

WinISO supports:

Operation System

Operation SystemSupportedComment
Windows x86 version(tick)Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1
Windows x64 version(tick)

Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1


Image File Format

Image File FormatSupportedComment
CUE/BIN(tick) (*)Cue sheets

Nero-Burning ROM

MDS/MDF(tick)(*)Alcohol 120%

(*) These formats can store more raw information from optical disc. WinISO can only process the last session with data CD track format.


File System in Image

File SystemSupportedComment
ISO 9660(tick)Joilet / Rock Ridge extension. Level 3 multiple extents.
UDF(tick)Read up to UDF 2.60. Write uses 1.02 or 2.50 with meta partition.
HFS Plus(tick)Basic read and write, without advanced features.


Optical Disc

Disc TypeSupportedComment
CD-ROM(tick)Can not process encrypted/copy-protected disc, usually game disc.
Audio CD(error) 
Video CD(error) 
DVD(tick)Can not process CSS or region code protected DVD-VIDEO.
Blu-ray Disc(tick)Can not decrypt AACS protected BDMV and BDAV.